Digging Deeper: CMBTA’s Trail Adventure – Jumps, Han Solo, and the Force of Trail Building

The trails out on the Sunshine Coast are sought after. Some say it is the varying terrain across a fairly compact area. Some like to think it’s because there is a little something for absolutely everyone, unlike some beginners’ thoughts of the average BC trail network. No matter what the general consensus is though, it’s clear that the dirt available to trail builders is some of the best there ever was and the Coast Mountain Bike Trail Association knows how to gather a group of people together to throw around a bit of that beautiful gold (dirt).


Sunday Nov 18/2023 brought out over 70 people, ranging in age from 5-75 for another edition of Specialized Bikes Soil Searching Trail Days. In partnership with CMBTA, Elphi Cycles, and Middlechild Cafe; Specialized funded this trail day to take care of two fan favourite jump trails in Roberts Creek, “Jumps” and “Han Solo”. Neither of these trails have seen a proper maintenance for a few seasons. They are two very prominent trails in the B&K network and well overdue for a buffing.

10am hit the clock and everyone finished their coffee, grabbed a handful of tools and hit the trails. As they say, many hands make light work and that was clearly happening. In 3 hours the team completely rebuilt 18 different features and both trails got a complete rake from top to bottom.

Han Solo

Hana Solo, one of the only double black rated jump trails on the sanctioned map, outside of Coast Gravity Park, saw an entirely new meaning of flow added, and a bunch of work done to the lower half with a few problem stumps cut out, multiple lips and landings recreated, a new “log jump” added in where an old stunt had collapsed, a few berms reimagined, the main big jump completely rebuilt, and a whole lot of love and life built back into it for more years of enjoyment.


Jumps, a smaller, black rated jump trail, is full of small and medium sized jumps and has long been a great progression trail for those looking to step up to Han Solo. All of the jumps previously had gaps between the takeoff and landings and all had seen some major degradation. Trail Day crew’s to the rescue and in just a few short hours, every single jump and stunt on the trail had been remade with the gaps filled in, a few extra new jumps added, and the entire trail now open to an even broader range of abilities. This revamped trail really elevates the possible progression for everyone in the area and there were no sad faces around.

After all the trail work was done, everyone who took part in the work day was treated to sandwiches and snacks courtesy of Middlechild cafe.  Chris Glew, from Elphi Cycles kept the fire roaring and the stoke high, while a representative from CMBTA said their thanks and got everyone ready for the next community dig day! A mega huge shoutout to Dylan Dunkerton for taking the lead on this project and  being an absolute wizard on the chainsaw, and  THANK YOU to every single person that came out to help!

To support trail advocacy and expansion of the Coastal trail networks, you can become a member of the non-profit CMBTA club by clicking here.

And don’t forget, if you plan on riding any trails, reach out to us at Bicycle Broker for recommendations on covering yourself and your bikes.

Ride safe!

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